Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gun Control And School Safety - 1983 Words

Guns in the Classroom Destiny Casey Student ID# 000410720 WGU Guns in the Classroom Allowing teachers to carry guns will allow teachers to prevent school shootings on the grounds of preschool through college campuses. Everyone has their own opinion about teachers being able to carry guns including other teachers, parents, and government officials. Depending on what state the teacher is teaching in determines if they can carry their gun now, if they are in the process of being able to, or if their state is not passing a law to allow them to carry their gun while at school. Teachers would not stand out like police officers or security officers would while in the school which would allow for other teachers and all of the students to have normal days if schools did not have officers before. Research shows that allowing some teachers to carry guns in their school promotes school safety, protects the teachers and students, and promotes gun safety while still teaching their students. Guns in schools promote school safety, by allowing teachers to have guns in the classroom you are letting students and parents know you want their children to be safe while they are in your school or classroom all day away from their parents. Bender talks about what teachers can do to prevent weapons in the classroom and to help other teachers if something arises and they need backup assistance from another teacher. Preventing guns from being in the classroom rules out a lot of the issues withShow MoreRelatedSchool Shootings Are Becoming More And More Prevalent924 Words   |  4 PagesSchool shootings are defined as being a mass shooting which involves a gun attack on an educational institution. The first known shooting in the United States happened during the 1700s. Four Lenape American Indians entered a schoolhouse near present-day Greencastle, Pennsylvania. The schoolmaster, Enoch Brown, was shot and killed along with several other children in which only two survived. There have been hundreds of shootings since, and more specifically there have been at least 156 scho ol shootingsRead MoreThe Importance Of Gun Control1209 Words   |  5 Pages the issue of gun control has been brought to the forefront of people’s minds. Some people believe in the power of the second amendment, and the right to personally own guns. This is the camp that I fall under. But there are those who believe in stricter gun control and view personal ownership of guns as a great risk. No matter what side you fall on the goal is the same, to make the United States of America a safe place to live. We are all united by this one central value of safety, regardless ofRead MoreFreedom vs. Gun Control Essay1673 Words   |  7 Pagespart of this country’s constitution since its conception in 1776. Guns we originally a commodity that almost every household had. Firearms were used for hunting and protection. As the modern era came upon us, there became a lesser need to own a firearm because of a controlled police force and a surplus in food. The surplus in food and mod ern law enforcement, along with rising firearm crimes prompted the government to start reviewing gun laws. Furthermore, over the past century the right to bear a firearmRead MoreComparing George Bush and Al Gore641 Words   |  3 Pageselaborate on, for a better quality education in our nation’s schools: (1) Achieve Equality; Just as Bush is closing the achievement gap in Texas, he plans to do so across the states (2) Promote Excellence; Bush believes in clearly defined standards of basic skills plus crucial knowledge. The states should devise tests to ensure that the standards are met (3) Ensure that Every Child Can Read; Statistics show that 70% of 4th graders in low income schools cannot read. Bush stands firm that reading is the pathwayRead MoreEssay on The Guy Behind the Gun: Elementary School Shooting Case1071 Words   |  5 PagesHook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Had there been a gun for the school’s defense, the amount of those killed could h ave been significantly lower. As Adam Lanza entered the building, armed and ready to kill, a good guy could have shot him, saving many lives. Guns control prohibits good people from having the ability to stop the bad guys. Gun control laws should be loosened because they violate the Constitution, decrease protection, and it is proven that gun control laws only resultRead MoreGun Control Laws Should Not Be Legal946 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Gun Control†, pertains to laws dealing with the use of firearms in America. Whether one believes it or not, guns are trying to become outlawed in America, due to an out number of killings and other crimes. As the Bill of Rights states â€Å" A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed† [160]. Many argue that if more citizens were armed, the crime rate would dramatically drop. Guns to become illegal inRead MoreEssay on Better Educ ation Will Reduce Americas Crime Rate593 Words   |  3 Pagesuse of various weapons there is little to no crime in the country. According to the Swiss Federal Police Office there were 2,687 crimes committed in Switzerland in 1997. Of those only 637 involved guns (Halbrook, 1999). The best way to deal with crime is to educate people on weaponry, create more gun control laws, and harsher sentences for criminals caught in possession of a weapon. Education is a key to dealing with the crime rate in America. The more young men and women trained in the use of weaponryRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control853 Words   |  4 PagesGun control   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Guns should be banned in public but allowed in your home for protection. Guns are not safe, and they never will be. People feel unsafe around guns and guns are not necessary. Working together guns could be eventually outlawed and not allowed in public. Too many incidents have occurred because guns were present.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Guns are unsafe especially in public. The greatest evidence for this is the number of shootings that have occurred in public because the right to carry guns. In fact,Read MoreA Brief Note On Shootings Shooting And The 2012 Aurora Shooting973 Words   |  4 Pagesshooting. According to my findings and analysis, there are two main ways the issue of gun controlled is framed. One, gun control is depicted through a constitutional frame that represents the problem as an issue involving constitutional claims to support less strict gun laws and second, gun control is represented through the lens as a public health frame where the issue is seen as focusing on health and safety risks to society. Figure 2 (shown above) illustrates a comprehensive numerical analysisRead MoreGun Control Laws Throughout The United States1405 Words   |  6 PagesAlicea Mr. Wiglesworth ELA 8 Block 3 March 4, 2015 Gun Control Laws in the United States In the space separating 1982 and 2012 the U.S. had approximately sixty-two mass shootings. Just because of this statement gun control should be fortified in order to reduce crime rate. Gun control laws in the U.S. are too facile. An example of this is that you can walk into a Walmart with money and an I.D. and walk out with a handgun. There are restrictions to gun ownership but they are not enforced. Usually the

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